This is for you if…

You find keeping up with the demands of managing an online business feels like a full-time job. There is content to write, upload and publish; website updates to manage; new products to add; discount codes to issue, and flash sales to implement.

Our CMS management service takes on all these tasks to ease the burden on you and make sure all the work is done to a consistent schedule.

This is why you need it...

There are always more complex jobs that need doing, like creating a clickable Call to Action feature, or changing the site navigation. Your site also needs to be properly optimised for search engines.

Our team will make sure your site performs well for both search engines and your customers, ensuring the more technical jobs are done properly so that your website continues to function well.

CMS management explained...

Search engines use robots to crawl your website. The data they collect, which affects search engine ranking, is nuanced by hundreds of different factors. Your CMS allows us to fine tune your website and focus on these key factors to continuously help with search ranking.

The CMS also makes writing content, uploading images and product details, publishing, and changing information easier. It helps ensure your website continues to be user friendly and properly optimised, without the need to write new code for each new item of content.

Crescat Digital is a certified agency